Acer Laptop Keyboard Model No 1234

fsdfdsfsadfds dsfdsfdsf sdfdsfdsfdsfds   afdsdfdsfdsf  afdsfasf sdfdsfdsfd  fdsfdsfdf  dsfdsfdsfdsf adfdsfdsfds afdsfdsfdsfds

use. The brightness slider is the wrong way around so if you have it selected for full brightness it is actually completely dark. Move the

slider to the other end and save the settings (nothing will happen until you save the settings). The reason it is ok on battery is that the

slider is set somewhere in the middle.

If you go to the power settings (right click on the battery icon), select the additional power settings and then edit the power plan you

use. The brightness slider is the wrong way around so if you have it selected for full brightness it is actually completely dark. Move the

slider to the other end and save the settings (nothing will happen until you save the settings). The reason it is ok on battery is that the

slider is set somewhere in the middle.